1. These photos are so beautiful. The closeness that they expressed of the animal is breathtaking. I especially love "Lion Before Storm-Sitting Profile." It's amazing that these photos are completely real and aren't edited.
3. This photo is my favorite because it beautifully portrays Brandt's goal- to capture African wildlife in their state of being. These pictures help us to understand the animals.
4. In the photo I selected, balance is an evident rule of photography. This picture also really fills the frame.
5. Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 67 with modified lens.
6. Brandt's reason for taking these photos is to show the animals in their state of being before they become extinct.
7. His hope for taking these pictures is that people will be inspired to protect the wildlife.
8. "In 1995 I first drove the main road from Nairobi down through southern Kenya to Arusha in northern Tanzania. Along the way, in completely unprotected areas, I saw giraffes, zebras, gazelles, impalas, wildebeest. A few months ago, just 13 years later, I made the same drive. I didn't see a single wild animal the entire four-hour drive. It's not that they've moved elsewhere. It's that they've been wiped out—turned into bushmeat."