
On October 27th in the upper east side of Philadelphia, James Ramsey escapes his burning apartment complex is order to survive. According to many of the residents, the building had a history of catching fire due to electrical wire.

After winning the New York City Marathon on September 2nd, Kenyan runner kisses the ground to show his gratefulness for his victory. In addition to his win, the runner set a new personal record.
Rules of Photography
1. Rules of Thirds- placing a subject off center, vertically or horizontally
2. Balancing Elements- placing subjects within frame so that they are equal in visual weight
3. Leading Lines- using lines to attract a viewers eye to the subject
4. Repetition-repeating visual elements to create rhythm and unify the elements of the photo
5. Viewpoint- making the photo more dynamic by approaching the subject at multiple angles
6. Background-making the background of the photo simple to draw more attention to the subject
7. Create Depth- amount of distance between photographer and subject. Tools are background and foreground.
8. Framing-placing a subject in a frame in order to focus attention on it
9. Cropping-leaving unimportant details of a photo out of the frame and focusing on one specific aspect of the photo
10.Mergers + Avoiding Them- when a part of the photo clashes with something else in the picture, distracting from the subject. To avoid this, arrange the subject in another way.
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